Decadal variability of the wintertime subtropical high in the North Pacific
The formation dynamics of climatological-mean subtropical highs
Variability of Asian monsoon associated with human activity
Multidecadal modulation of Pacific Decadal Variability
Tranport of atmospheric radionuclides from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
Formation mechamisms of vertical motions over stormtrack
Influences of SST on heavy precipitation
Future projection of heavy precipitation and associated weather patterns
Regional atmospheric reanalysis dataset for Japan
March 2000: B.S.
in Department of Earth and Planytary Physics,
Faculty of Science,
The University of Tokyo.
March 2002: M.S.
in Department of Earth and Planetary Science,
Graduate school of Science,
The University of Tokyo.
March 2006: Ph.D.
in Department of Earth and Planetary Science,
Graduate school of Science,
The University of Tokyo.
April 2006: Research fellow
in Center for Climate System Research,
The University of Tokyo.
June 2006: Business-academia-government collaboration researcher
in Center for Climate System Research,
The University of Tokyo.
April 2007: Researcher
in Department of Earth and Planetary Science,
Graduate school of Science,
The University of Tokyo.
December 2007: Business-academia-government collaboration researcher
in Department of Earth and Planetary Science,
Graduate school of Science,
The University of Tokyo.
April 2008: Project researcher
in Department of Earth and Planetary Science,
Graduate school of Science,
The University of Tokyo.
April 2011: Project researcher
in Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology,
The University of Tokyo.
April 2016 - May 2021: Project research associate
in Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology,
The University of Tokyo.
April 2018: Researcher
in Offie of Climate and Environmental Research Promotion,
Japan Meteorological Business Support Center.
April 2018 - March 2024: Guest Researcher
in Department of Applied Meteorology Research,
Japan Meteorological Business Support Center.
April 2020 Associate senior researcher
in First Laboratory, Research Promotion Department,
Japan Meteorological Business Support Center.
June 2021: Project Associate Professor
in Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology,
The University of Tokyo.