Hot Spot in Climate System:Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Variability over Monsoonal Asia due to Contiguousness between the Tropical Warmness and Arctic Coolness - Grant-in-Aid for Science Research in Innovative Areas (MEXT) 2010-2014


Chief PI : Prof. Hisashi NAKAMURA
Research Center for Advanced Science and technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo

4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8904
Climate Science Reserach Laboratory, Research Center for Advanced Science and technology (RCAST, Buliding #3, 4th Floor), The University of Tokyo


Copyright ©2010 Hot Spot in Climate System:Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Variability over Monsoonal Asia due to Contiguousness between the Tropical Warmness and Arctic Coolness - Grant-in-Aid for Science Research in Innovative Areas (MEXT) 2010-2014