Hot Spot in Climate System:Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Variability over Monsoonal Asia due to Contiguousness between the Tropical Warmness and Arctic Coolness - Grant-in-Aid for Science Research in Innovative Areas (MEXT) 2010-2014

Supplementary Programs

Supplementary Program for FY2013-14

Program # Title PI Affiliation
Research Theme A01
Supplementary Program (1)
Statistics of polar lows around Japan Wataru YANASE Atmosphere Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Research Theme A01
Supplementary Program (2)
Assessment of the influences of air-sea interactions in the coastal regions and marginal seas onto the marine ecosystem Naoki YOSHIE Center for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime University
Research Theme A01
Supplementary Program (3)
Predictability of typhoons and atmospheric disturbances in the mid-latitude and their interactions with the Ocean Akiyoshi WADA Typhoon research department, Meteorological Research Institue
Research Theme A01
Supplementary Program (4)
Clarification of ocean acidification in the subarctic western North Pacific Ocean Masahide WAKITA Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Research Theme A02
Supplementary Program (5)
Role of the mixed layer depth in the sea surface temperature variability in the Kuroshio Extension region Tomoki TOZUKA Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Research Theme A02
Supplementary Program (6)
Observational study of ocean wave influence on marine wind gust Takuji WASEDA Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Research Theme A02
Supplementary Program (7)
Aerosol-cloud interaction and SST front Makoto KOIKE Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Research Theme A03
Supplementary Program (8)
Winter precipitation variability in Japan influenced by the interaction among atmosphere, ocean, and sea ice Tomonori SATO Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University
Research Theme A03
Supplementary Program (9)
Roles of SST anomalies on winter turbulent heat fluxes in the eastern Kuroshio-Oyashio Confluence Region: Influences of Kuroshio bifurcation Shusaku SUGIMOTO Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University

Supplementary Program for FY2011-12

Program # Title PI Affiliation
Research Theme A01
Supplementary Program (1)
Numerical study of typhoons with a non-hydrostatic ocean-atmosphere coupled model Hidenori AIKI Research Institute for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Research Theme A01
Supplementary Program (2)
Assessment of the influences of air-sea interactions in the merginal seas onto the marine ecosystem Naoki YOSHIE Center for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime University
Research Theme A01
Supplementary Program (3)
Clarification of Intensity and Structural Change of Tropical Cyclones during the Mature Phase and its Interaction with the Ocean Akiyoshi WADA Typhoon research department, Meteorological Research Institue
Research Theme A02
Supplementary Program (4)
Study of long-term variability in the oceanic mixed layer to the south of the Kuroshio Extension Naoto IWASAKA Faculty of Marine Technology, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Research Theme A02
Supplementary Program (5)
Study of the impacts of wind waves and energy dissipation on air-sea momentum exchange Masanori KONDA Division of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
Research Theme A03
Supplementary Program (6)
Elucidation of mechanisms for sea-surface temperature variability and its role in surface turbulent heat flux variability in the Kuroshio-Oyashio mixed water region Shusaku SUGIMOTO Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University


Copyright ©2010 Hot Spot in Climate System:Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Variability over Monsoonal Asia due to Contiguousness between the Tropical Warmness and Arctic Coolness - Grant-in-Aid for Science Research in Innovative Areas (MEXT) 2010-2014