
2019年11月8日 RCAST Special symposium on climate science with Prof. Brian Hoskins

Date:2019/11/8 (Fri.) 13:30-17:30
Place:ENEOS hall, RCAST Building #3-South, Univ. of Tokyo, Komaba II Campus [access]

13:30 Opening remarks
13:40 Brian Hoskins (Imperial College/U-Reading)
   The annual cycle of Northern Hemisphere storm-tracks
14:30 Patrick Martineau (RCAST, U-Tokyo)
   Importance of a vertically tilting structure for energizing the North Atlantic Oscillation
15:00 Mio Matsueda (Tsukuba U)
  Flow-dependent predictability of wintertime Euro-Atlantic weather regimes

(coffee break)

15:50 Masahiro Watanabe (AORI, U-Tokyo)
  Low clouds link equilibrium climate sensitivity to hydrological sensitivity
16:20 Yoshio Kawatani (JAMSTEC)
  The effects of a well-resolved stratosphere on the simulated boreal winter circulation in a climate model
16:50 Hisashi Nakamura (RCAST, U-Tokyo)
  Variability of the Australian summer monsoon and its remote influence on East Asia
17:20 Closing remarks